home loan interest rates

Apa Antara Sebab Orang Buat Refinance Rumah? 2024

Dalam keadaan krisis sekarang mesti ramai yang terfikir untuk refinance rumah. Kalau yang masih tidak tahu apakah itu Refinance Rumah, mungkin kita boleh ulangkaji disini. Refinance Rumah adalah memindahkan hutang pinjaman perumahan anda ke bank yang lain. Ataupun membuat pinjaman rumah yang baru untuk rumah yang dah habis bayar. Pernah tak anda terfikir kenapa [...]

By |2023-12-31T16:23:42+08:00November 22nd, 2023|Latest News and Update, Refinancing Your Mortgage|0 Comments

Bagaimana Nak Refinance Rumah Malaysia 2024?

Bagaimana Nak Refinance Rumah Malaysia 2024? Pinjaman Pembiayaan Semula Rumah Terbaik di Malaysia Hi Semua, Minggu ini melissa akan berkongsi mengenai bagaimana nak refinance rumah. Dalam Video ini Melissa akan berbicara mengenai… Adakah susah nak refinance rumah? Anda kena ada tujuan untuk refinance rumah. Anda kena tahu berapa baki hutang pinjaman perumahan anda. [...]

Reschedule @ Restructure adalah penyelesaian atau kesilapan? 2024

Ramai orang tidak faham bacaan dalam CCRIS report especially code pinjaman & status pinjaman . Hari ini saya nak terangkan mengenai status "C" dalam CCRIS report. C' itu adalah status untuk reschedule.Apa yang kita faham dengan 'Reschedule'? Reschedule adalah membuat penjadualan semula pinjaman yang telah sedia ada disebabkan: Yang pertama atas proposal dari pihak [...]

Top 10 Tips To Avoid Being Cheated When Buying A House 2024

Buying a house is a decision that you need to make a great deal sense and prudence. For all the Malaysians who are considering buying a house, here are Top 10 Tips To Avoid Being Cheated When Buying A House. 1. When buying a completed or subsale house, deal directly with registered property agent [...]

What will happen if I take the six months moratorium for my home loan?

Question: What will happen if I take the six months moratorium for my home loan? Answer: These are the things that will or might happen if you take the six months moratorium for your Home Loan. 1. You are not required to pay monthly installments for six months. It also means you are not [...]

By |2020-03-31T22:43:17+08:00March 31st, 2020|Latest News and Update, Home Loan Library|0 Comments

What do we know so far about Six Months Moratorium announced by BNM?

When BNM announced the six months Moratorium on 24 March 2020, many people welcome the movement. And we here go ecstatic with the news because we know it will help lots of people out there. If you're late to the news, let me explain as simple as possible what is this six months Moratorium [...]

By |2020-03-29T21:21:32+08:00March 29th, 2020|Latest News and Update, Home Loan Library|0 Comments

I can’t get a home loan; my brother uses my name

A couple of days ago, we received a call from a client. And let's called her Ms. Amy (not actual name). Amy bought a house in the year 2000 with her brother and joint name for the loan as well. The house is occupied, and the house installment is paying by her brother. In [...]

What Is The Best Home Loan?

I want the best home loan. I want a cheaper interest rate. I can hear my client saying this all the time. Aren't all of us want that? Ideally, we want a low price with the most high-quality product. The best thing if it FREE. Cost us nothing. Is that even possible? But people [...]

How To Tackle If Your CCRIS Record Is Too Clean?

Question: Hi melissa, my ccris record is "too clean" so a friend suggest to apply for personal loan (RM25k for 7 years with aeon) my gross salary RM4,500 nett is RM3,900 monthly personal loan RM596 currently applying housing loan RM500k what are my chances? MHL Answer: Hi, I hope "too clean" means you [...]

Spending Money On Things That Matters

A little while ago, I read this article about spending money. And it makes me think, where do we splurge the most from our income. Some people might spend on buying a fancy car, buying a house, traveling, children education, monthly medication and etc. A while ago, I took times to review our financial [...]

By |2019-06-29T13:48:42+08:00May 20th, 2019|Latest News and Update|0 Comments
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