Frequent Ask Questions

How To Calculate Stamp Duty 2024

How To Calculate Stamp Duty 2024 - Stamp Duty Waiver For First-Time House Buyer Lots of people talking about buying a house. But, one thing a home buyer should know is how much the stamp duty will cost when buying a new house. Today, we're going to share the simple calculation of stamp [...]

Stamp Duty In Malaysia 2024

If buying a new home is on your mind this year, it is critical to understand the property stamp duty and how you can get a stamp duty exemption, especially for a first-time house buyer. In this article – Stamp duty Malaysia, we will dive deep into Stamp duty in Malaysia to better understand [...]

3 Important Things To Check Before Signing Bank Letter Offer 2024

I believe in reading all documents signed. Notably, the one that has only less than ten pages to read. So, today I want to share my understanding of the Bank's letter offer with you. Bank Letter Offer is the document that you sign right after your bank loan is approved. After approval, the banker [...]

3 Reasons Why You Should Choose Zero Moving Cost Home Loan 2024

( When buying a house or refinance your home) If you read my earlier article "How Much You Need To Buy A House In Malaysia?", You'll understand that buying a house will cost a lot. Based on the article, you will need about 17% of purchase price to cover all the costs. However, if [...]

Nilai Refinance Mesti Paling Rendah? 2024

Soalan: Nk tanya.. nilai refinance tu mesti paling rendah utk tutup baki pinjaman sekarang ke? Jawapan: Terima kasih atas soalan tuan. Sebenarnya saya kurang faham soalan tuan. Tetapi saya akan cuba menjawabnya dengan menerangkan sedikit proses refinance rumah. Jika maksud nilai refinance adalah harga pasaran rumah, maka saya akan huraikan sedikit. PROSES [...]

Saya Nak Refinance Rumah Untuk Keluarkan Nama Dari Joint Loan 2024

Soalan: Nak tanya. Kalau tujuan saya refinance rumah untuk keluar kan 1 nama dari joint loan skrg, loan baru saya buat boleh ikut harga rumah yg saya mula2 beli tu ke? Xperlu ikut harga market value kan. Jawapan: Terima kasih atas soalan tuan. Dari soalan tuan, tuan mempunyai satu pinjaman perumahan dengan [...]

Dapat Kunci Rumah Tahun Lepas, Boleh Ke Nak Refinance Rumah? 2024

Soalan Saya baru dapat kunci rumah bulan 11/19 boleh ke nak refinance? Jawapan Hi, terima kasih atas soalan tuan. Setelah mendapat kunci rumah, tuan boleh refinance rumah. Tetapi, saya cadangkan tuan untuk memastikan samaada tuan sesuai atau tidak untuk refinance rumah. SEMAK DULU MARKET VALUE Dari soalan tuan, tuan baru sahaja mendapat [...]

Boleh Ke Nak Refinance Loan Kerajaan? 2024

Soalan Hai Melissa.. Tq for sharing.. Boleh ke refinance rumah yg saya beli guna loan government (BPP/LPPSA).. ?? Kalo refinance Maybank ke Bank lain CIMB contohnya, atau Maybank ke Maybank memang boleh kan.. Dan kalo loan gov, BPP/LPPSA refinance ke mana2 bank pun boleh kan.. Tetapi boleh ke nak refinance loan gov ke loan [...]

Ada Masalah Ptptn Boleh Ke Buat Refinance Rumah? 2024

Soalan: nk tny jika ada masalah ptptn bole ke buat refinance rumah? Jawapan: Terima Kasih atas soalan tuan. LAPORAN CCRIS YANG CANTIK Untuk membuat Refinance Rumah, seseorang perlu mempunyai Laporan CCRIS yang cantik. Laporan CCRIS adalah digunakan untuk menyemak status pembayaran balik peminjam. Jika peminjam mempunyai tunggakan dari segi apa-apa pinjaman [...]

How To Calculate Home Loan Interest?

HOW TO CALCULATE HOME LOAN INTEREST? Have you ever wonder how the bank is charging you home loan interest? In this article, I try to give you a glimpse on how the home loan interest works. When you accepted a loan facility with a bank, regardless of a home loan, car loan, personal loan, [...]

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