Are you confuse between Master Title, Individual Title, and Strata Title?

Before buying a house, it’s essential to know the house is under Master or Individual/Strata title.

There will be complication or risk to consider when buying a property that still under Master Title.

Master title property will have more risk compared to the strata/individual title.

Here we list out The Difference Between Master title, Individual Title, and Strata Title.


a. Generally, Master title refers to a bigger piece of land which including building lots or parcel lots that haven’t divided into individual building lot or parcel lot.

b. The master title will have one Hakmilik number to cover all the building lots or parcel lots.

c.The master title is typically registered in the name of the developer.

d. It might be registered in the name of another proprietor or with the developer.

e. A developer can enter into a joint venture together with the proprietor to develop the land.

f. In some cases, you can see the proprietor belongs to DBKL but develop by ABC developer.

g. Every individual owner of the building lot or parcel lot will share the right and benefit of the land.

h. Before the existence of Strata Title/ Individual Title, the developer will be the landholders in Master Title.

i. The developer has the right to control all the transactions of the land.

j. The transaction means when you sold your house or refinance your home; you need to get confirmation from the developer to allow you to sell or refinance the house.

k. After the units are sold out, the developer will apply for transfer of ownership of the land. Each unit will have its Individual or Strata Title.

l.When Individual building lot or parcel lot divided, Master title will be revoked in Land Office.

2. Individual Title

a. Individual Title refers to one Individual Hakmilik for every building lot, and the building built on the land.
( That is why we call this as Landed Property)

b. When Master Title sub-divided to the Individual Title, each building lot will have their own individual Hakmilik no.

c. Landholders are the owner of the landed property, and this is known as individual Title.

d. Typically, a single unit of landed property, for instance, terrace houses, bungalows, semi-detached houses, shop-houses, and factories will be divided into the Individual Title.

e. However, some of the landed properties have shared facilities is consider as Strata Title.
e.g., Terrace houses with gated and guarded and others share facilities.

3. Strata Title

a. Strata title refers to one Individual Hakmilik for every parcel lot in a building that built on the land.

b. Strata title is a sub-divided title is meant for individual units on high-rise buildings.

c. When the transfer happens from Master Title to Strata title, the owner willfully owned the parcel lot without sharing with anyone.

c. However, the parcel lot owners will share the common area such as lift, staircase, swimming pool, etc.

d. Typically, apartments, condominiums, flat, service suites, townhouse including shop-offices, will be divided into Strata Title.

On the next post, we will be discussing the risk of buying a Master Title property.

I hope you enjoy reading this and I see you in my next post.



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