The difference between CCRIS and CTOS report is the information provided by both reports.
CCRIS report has limited information provided and limited to all the loans provided by the banks in Malaysia.
The CTOS report has a more comprehensive range of information that includes all the information in CCRIS, some other telecommunication companies, water filter company, retail store like court mammoth and Singer that provide small loans, Broadband companies like P1 etc.
CTOS also provide blacklist information on a person.
Below we discuss more on these two reports.
CCRIS Report
You can get a FREE CCRIS Report from Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM). You can either walk into any BNM branches or request it online.
CCRIS report mainly tracks loan payment for 12 months.
CCRIS report will show all the commitments you have with all the banks in Malaysia, that includes:
You can get a CTOS report by downloading a CTOS app to your mobile.
But, you’ll need to pay RM26.50 for the report. Sometimes, if there is a promotion, you might get it cheap!
CTOS report will have all the debts and commitment you owe with some companies and all the banks in Malaysia.
Other than whatever debts you have in CCRIS, CTOS will also include the following debts.
a. Debt you owe with any telecommunication company like Maxis, Digi, Celcom etc.
b. If you buy something from a company like Singer or Court’s mammoth and take a loan for the purchase, it will end up there too.
c. If you buy from any water filter company like Coway, Cukoo, etc. It will show too.
On top of that, CTOS will also show company ownership. If you are a director or shareholder for a company, it will provide the details.
If you have any summon by the bank/anyone or previously have a bad record with the bank until it becomes a court case, the record will be there too!
Since the CTOS report has much information about ourselves and the bank uses this information to decide whether to give us a loan. It is wise for us to get a copy of the CTOS report before buying a house or refinancing.
The CTOS report can avoid many rejections from the banks and might provide chances for better approval.
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