
MRTA vs MRTT: Simplifying The Complexities For Homeowner

Discover the differences between MRTA vs MRTT in our comprehensive guide. Learn how these mortgage protection tools can safeguard your family from financial burdens, make an informed choice based on your property financing type, and understand the claim process when refinancing. Get the peace of mind every Malaysian homeowner deserves. Owning a dream home [...]

Beza MRTA dan MRTT

Fahami beza MRTA dan MRTT untuk melindungi pinjaman perumahan dan buat keputusan yang bijak mengenai perlindungan yang sesuai untuk anda dan keluarga. Memiliki rumah sendiri adalah impian setiap individu. Namun, dengan hak milik rumah juga datang tanggungjawab kewangan yang besar, seperti pembayaran pinjaman perumahan.  Tetapi, adakah anda tahu bahawa ada satu alat penting yang [...]

Do you take MRTA when applying for a home loan?

Normally, people take MRTA when applying for a home loan. And why is that?If you do, I think you should read this post.When a borrower applies for a home loan with the bank, the bank will require the borrower to get an MRTA.In exchange, the borrower will get better interest rates. This is quite common [...]


Hari ini ada seorang suami ingin bertanya mengenai Mortgage Level Term Assurance (MLTA). Dia ada membeli sebuah rumah pada tahun 2016 dan mengambil pinjaman perumahan dengan salah satu bank tempatan. Semasa membuat pinjaman perumahan, dia ada juga mengambil Mortgage Reducing Term Assurance (MRTA) bank. Kebelakangan ini jiran sebelah rumah telah mengalami musibah. Suami jiran [...]

Is Insurance like MRTA or MLTA a legal scam?

Is Insurance like MRTA or MLTA a legal scam? Months ago, I wrote a pretty full write up about MRTA vs. MLTA. So, if you want a comprehensive understanding of MRTA and MLTA, you should head over to that article. Today, I want to talk about Insurance in general, is a scam or [...]

By |2020-02-03T12:39:07+08:00January 16th, 2020|Latest News and Update, Insurance|0 Comments
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