perfection of transfer calculator

Understand the Perfection of Transfer (POT) & Perfection of Charge ( POC ) 2024 in just 10 minutes!!

Perfection of Transfer (POT) & Perfection of Charge ( POC ) Today, we received a question about the Perfection of Transfer (POT) & Perfection of Charge ( POC ) from a client. The question is quite general, but I believe some of us might benefit from this. So, this is the story. Five years [...]

My First Encounter With Perfection Of Transfer & Perfection Of Charge

When I was a kid, we stayed in a low-cost flat in Kuala Lumpur. At that time, we don't have much. My dad is a minibus driver. He worked long hours, sometimes more than 12 hours a day. So, we have this low-cost flat, and I still remember my father received a letter from [...]

By |2019-10-16T12:58:16+08:00October 16th, 2019|Buying A Home, Latest News and Update|0 Comments
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