Sell A Property

Selling your house and looking for tips and trick of doing so? Follow our articles on this topic.

Understanding Lawyer Fees for Selling a House in Malaysia

Discover everything you need to know about lawyer fees for selling a house in Malaysia. Understand the costs, budgeting tips, and how to save money for a smooth and hassle-free property transaction. When it comes to selling a house in Malaysia, one crucial aspect that often gets overlooked is the lawyer fees. These [...]

By |2024-06-06T23:41:11+08:00May 26th, 2024|Sell A Property, Latest News and Update|0 Comments

Boleh ke kita “tumpang” peguam dalam SPA?

Suatu hari, ada seorang customer bertanya. “Boleh ke kita "tumpang" peguam dalam SPA?” Jawapan mudah.  Boleh. Seorang penjual dan pembeli boleh menggunakan peguam yang sama. Tetapi tidak digalakkan untuk menjaga hak dan kepentingan masing-masing. Selalunya dalam transaksi jual beli rumah, pembeli harus mempunyai peguam sendiri. Ini mengelakkan dari tertipu oleh penjual ataupun mana-mana pihak [...]

4 Mistakes When Selling Your Home

If you're a seller and selling your house to others, you should read this. When you want to sell a house, you will typically engage a property agent, or maybe you will sell your own. And the reason for selling your house usually means you need the money fast for whatsoever reason. Hence, you [...]

By |2021-12-26T10:12:48+08:00June 24th, 2021|Sell A Property|0 Comments

Freehold vs Leasehold, which is better?

When it comes to buying a house, somehow we need to decide whether to buy a Freehold or Leasehold house. Freehold is better, they say. It doesn't matter, some say. So which one is true? But the truth is, there is no direct answer to this. I want to say, FREEHOLD house is more [...]

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