malaysia housing loan interest rate 2019

Best Home Loan Rates – OCBC Home Loan Interest Rate 3.00%

Best Home Loan Rates Exciting news!! We have The Best Home Loan Rate Malaysia to announce today.We do love when there is a new Home Loan promotion, and we know you will too. OCBC announced a New OCBC Home Loan Promotion. And they have limited quota on this. Currently, the OCBC Home Loan Promotion [...]

Korang Wajib Tahu Dengan Jenis-jenis Home Loan Yang Ada

Korang wajib tahu dengan jenis-jenis home loan yang ada. Ada full flexi, ada semi-flexi, dan ada basic term loan. Orang buat bisnes dan ada banyak lebihan duit bulanan ambil Full-flexi loan, supaya lebihan duit boleh simpan dalam akaun semasa untuk kurangkan interest home loan. Duit dalam akaun simpanan tadi, kita boleh keluar semula. Principal [...]

What happens when OPR reduce? (VIDEO)

Hey guys, This week video, we're going to talk about What happens when OPR reduce? Make sure to hit the subscribe & like button on our YouTube channel and comment on questions or ideas you want to see here. For more Home Loan information and enquiry, please call/ whatsapp us at 012-6946746 or [...]

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