lawyer fees malaysia 2019

How much is the cost of Sale and Purchase Agreement And Stamp Duty?

"How much is the cost of Sale and Purchase Agreement And Stamp Duty?" It's the question that every home buyer will ask before purchasing a house. Unfortunately, no one will know the correct answer until the buyer gets all the property information from the seller. Despite that, there is another rule of thumb that [...]

Tips For Appointing SPA Lawyer – Mistakes You’ll Never Make Again

When purchasing a house in Malaysia, purchaser requires appointing a Sale & Purchase (SPA) Lawyer to represent them. A good SPA lawyer is crucial in this situation because the moment you start buying a house, and if you're not careful, you might fall into a deep hole that orchestrates by the property agent, seller, [...]

3 Tips To Choose A Good SPA & Loan Lawyer

Choosing a lawyer can seem daunting if you have never done so before. If you're buying a house, then you need a Sale & Purchase Agreement (SPA) lawyer. So, how to choose a good and reliable lawyer to handle the property transaction and loan? The following are few helpful tips to guide you finding [...]

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