lawyer fees malaysia 2017

Services That We Offer…

People often ask us. What are our services? #malaysiahousingloan Even though, we have mentioned on our website and facebook page that we provide FREE online home loan consultation. People don’t understand, What is an online home loan consultation? Is that even a thing??? Okay, let us explain. Firstly, we want you to understand; we [...]

By |2019-04-08T09:08:26+08:00April 8th, 2019|Latest News and Update, Our Services|0 Comments

Mengapa Pembeli Dan Penjual Tidak Digalakkan “berkongsi” Peguam Yang Sama?

Adalah dinasihatkan, pembeli dan penjual melantik peguam masing-masing. Kesilapan bagi banyak orang dalam urusan jual beli rumah adalah mereka sayang untuk keluar duit untuk bayar perkhidmatan peguam, terutamanya penjual. Kebanyakan penjual akan menggunakan khidmat peguam pembeli untuk mewakili mereka. Alasanya, hendak jimat kos dan masa. Lagipun kalau pakai banyak-banyak sangat peguam nanti urusan jadi [...]

By |2019-04-04T21:20:13+08:00April 4th, 2019|Buying A Home, Latest News and Update|0 Comments

Appoint The Same Lawyer For SPA And Loan Agreement

Question: My banker don't allow me to appoint my Sale & Purchase Agreement Lawyer as the Loan Agreement Lawyer. Can they do that? Answer: #HomeBuyingTips First of all, know your rights. Don't let anyone stripe your right when buying a property. 1. You can always appoint your own Sale & Purchase Agreement Lawyer. 2. [...]

We’re Featured On Sin Chew Daily 星洲网Sin Chew Daily –

发展商名誉影响贷款 房贷网 站 malaysiahousingloan.net菅理员兼MHL咨询公司房屋贷款顾问 叶佳强及 李素慧认同个人信贷的重要性, 同时, 也点出了另一些看似无关紧要, 却会影响房贷申请的原因。 李素慧耐心地解释,银行对于发展商的名誉甚是在意,因此如果一家发展商拥有不良记录,如搁置房产发展,对于购屋者的申请也会较注意。 只有总地契银行不批贷 “另外,一些已经完成建设的房子, 如果尚未获得独立地契 (lndividual Title) , 仅有总地契 (Master Title) , 据我们的经验, 有80%的银行是不愿冒险接受, 除非该家发展商信誉良好。“因为没有地契在手, 对于银行而言, 就是没有任何保障。 叶佳强也指出, 如果工作地点与购买房产的地点不在相同白勺地方, 申请借贷时, 也可能会面对困难。 “举例来说, 一个人来自芙蓉, 在新加坡工作, 但是, 想在吉隆坡买房子, 那银行就会询问为何在吉隆坡置产, 因为银行不晓得他们的资金从哪里来, 担心会冒太大的风睑 。 房产类型成考皇因索 叶佳强也坦言,一些房产类型也是银行考量借贷的因素之一, 如果房产属于办公家居单位 (SOHO) , 而附近却有许多空置的店屋, 同样会影响银行房贷。其实, 银行也是盈利机构, 如果想深一层, 银行打开门做生意, 在放贷之前, 最先考虑的是什么? 没错,当然是借贷者是否有能力还贷, 在了解之后, 并不难理解, 为何某些银行会对于文件及资格审批较严厉,主要还是不希望借出去的钱收不回来,毕竟,银行还是希望能够获得保障。 [...]

How can help?

What we do are provide home loan advice and essential tips before or when buying a house. When a customer comes to us, we ask them to share about their situation, and then we talk with them to explore the best advice or tips and possible solutions. "Many are not aware of their right [...]

Did you know?

One general misconception is that the buyer and seller can share the services of a lawyer. If fact, a lawyer can act for only one party. Either for Purchaser or Seller. A seller should engage his/her own lawyer for the transaction as this will ensure that his/her rights are protected. The legal fee is [...]

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