how much salary to afford 500k house

How Much Salary To Buy A House in 2024?

How Much Salary To Buy A House? Before you can start searching and looking for a house to buy, maybe the most important thing to do is to see whether can you afford to buy one and How Much Salary To Buy A House? Some backstories about my life When I was young, I [...]

By |2023-12-31T16:21:08+08:00November 1st, 2023|Buying A Home, Latest News and Update|0 Comments

How Much Should I Earn To Buy A House 2024?

How Much Should I Earn To Buy A House? Every single bank in Malaysia has its own set of rules to assess a person borrowing capability. After many years of observing the bank's approval, I came up with my table. I have segregated it into four columns, such as house price, loan amount, installment, [...]

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