buying a house in malaysia guide

First Time Home Buyer Malaysia 2024 (Must read)

What should you know before buying a house in 2024? Every year, around this time ( end of the year ), you might start to feel a little panicky. Everyone's got an opinion on you, your job, income, marital status (if you're still single, enjoy your life!) and blah blah blah... The typical questions [...]

The Difference Between Master title, Individual Title, and Strata Title 2024

Are you confuse between Master Title, Individual Title, and Strata Title? Before buying a house, it's essential to know the house is under Master or Individual/Strata title. There will be complication or risk to consider when buying a property that still under Master Title. Master title property will have more risk compared to the [...]

How Much Is The Stamp Duty? | Stamp Duty When Buying A House | House Buyer Guide

Stamp Duty When Buying A House 2024 Buying a house has been unequivocally one of the hottest topics that being discussed by Malaysian. Most Malaysian are hopeful to at least own a house one day. But, how many of us know the process of buying a house? To be honest, it can be a [...]

Everything You Need To Know About Home Ownership Campaign (HOC)

Everything You Need To Know About Home Ownership Campaign (HOC) The Home Ownership Campaign (HOC) is a government initiative designed to support home buyers looking to purchasing property, while at the same time, spurring the sales of unsold properties in Malaysia’s housing market. The campaign was targeted to run from 1 January 2019 through [...]

By |2019-09-04T20:57:05+08:00September 4th, 2019|Buying A Home, Latest News and Update|0 Comments

Mistakes When Buying A Home

Everyone makes mistakes. I just wish someone had been a little more honest with me about potential mistakes when I was first buying a house! So, to that point, I thought I'd write an article for you of My BIGGEST Buying House mistakes so you can be all-the-wiser, and hopefully dodge some of these [...]

By |2019-04-01T22:32:10+08:00April 1st, 2019|Buying A Home, Latest News and Update|0 Comments

Apa Yang Anda Perlu Tahu Sebelum Membeli Rumah Sub-Sale

1. Anda perlu mendapatkan Salinan Geran Rumah ataupun Perjanjian Jual Beli ( SNP/SPA) Penjual. 2. Dengan mempunyai dokumen tersebut, anda akan mengetahui siapakah pemilik berdaftar rumah tersebut. 3. Pastikan anda hanya berurusan dengan pemilik rumah atau agen rumah yang berdaftar. Tip : Orang yang menjual tidak semestinya pemilik rumah. 4. Selalunya melalui agen rumah, [...]

By |2019-04-01T21:54:36+08:00April 1st, 2019|Latest News and Update, Buying A Home|0 Comments

If You See These Signs Do Not Buy The House

For individuals who are new to the process of buying a house whether to stay on their own or investing, there are lots of critical factors that need to be studied first. When buying a house, we are terrified of buying the wrong home. So, If You See These Signs, Do Not Buy The [...]

Buying A House Checklist

I was so nervous when buying my first house. I wish someone can guide me through the process because it's so nerve wrecking. It's one of the important decision you make in the early stage of adulthood. Sometimes, dealing with the experienced real estate agent, bankers and lawyer can be too overwhelming. I learned [...]

By |2018-10-03T15:57:13+08:00October 3rd, 2018|Buying A Home, Latest News and Update|0 Comments

Benefit For First Time Home Buyer| Buying 1st home| Malaysia Housing Loan

Hey, are you young, just graduate or working for a few years but have that strong urge to buy a new house like your friend David, Mohd or even Siti? Well, if you are exploring of buying that one house so that you can be like your friends owning something call your own, then [...]

Buying A House In Malaysia | Buying A House In Malaysia Guide | Buying A House In Malaysia Process

Buying a house in Malaysia is something that our young generation is struggling to achieve. There always a struggle to choose whether to buy a house or a car first. The truth, there isn’t a clear answer to this. On that note, I did own a car first before buying a house as I [...]

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